Join Me Tonight for my Umbrella Days Card Class @ HomeWatch me tonight for my Weekly Live to learn how to make my three Umbrella Days cards. Learn...

There are 10 people per club. Everyone commits to placing a minimum order of $15 per month for 10 months. Everyone also gets a turn being hostess for one month out of the 10. The hostess for the month gets all of the free hostess benefits! All members also get the current Spring-Summer 2009 Idea Book & Catalog AND the Fall-Winter 2009 Idea Book & Catalog when it comes out in July FREE! If you have already purchased a catalog from me and want to be in the club, I'll reimburse you the money you paid for it. To find out all of the particulars of this club, CLICK HERE.

The picture on the right is a close-up of the technique. It really does look like I dry embossed it! To see a bigger image of it, just click on the picture.
If you are interested in joining or have any questions, please contact me.